© Joel C Fildes


Leaving a legacy to the Granada Foundation will increase our capacity to encourage and promote the study, practice and appreciation of the fine arts and to encourage and promote the study and application of the sciences. You can also rest reassured that the funds you have contributed will be managed prudently and professionally as part of the endowment, and distributed according to a rigorous selection process. Since its formation in 1965, the Foundation has awarded grants amounting to over £6 million.

The Foundation carries out its objectives by awarding grants across a range of institutions usually with charitable status. In general, we look for imaginative proposals from organisations which will in some way make the North West a culturally richer and more attractive place in which to live and work.

How to leave a legacy

Remembering a charity in your will is straightforward and tax efficient. Legacies can be made by way of a gift of cash, shares or property and your solicitor can advise you on writing your will. Charitable gifts are free from Inheritance Tax and may also reduce other taxes (check with your professional adviser or visit hmrc.gov.uk/inheritancetax). If you have already made a will, a codicil is a straightforward way of leaving an additional legacy without having to rewrite its main provisions.

Although we understand that some people prefer to keep the personal decision of leaving a legacy private, we would be delighted to hear from you, if you feel able to let us know, so that we can thank you during your lifetime for your gift to future generations.

If you would like to discuss in confidence any aspect of leaving a legacy, please contact one of the Trustees of the Foundation via the administrator:

Irene Langford
The Granada Foundation
PO Box 3430

Mobile: 07876 744 235
E-mail: [email protected]

Our commitment to your privacy

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use information about you lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and other relevant legislation and regulations

The Granada Foundation is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation; Charity Number: 1206376